Tuesday Knights

We're a West-London roleplaying club meeting weekly on Tuesdays - currently in a pub's function room - playing a variety of different game systems in six week blocks. There are both recurring campaigns (like a Star Wars campaign that has been going on for over two decades) and more one shot adventures in systems including: Runequest, Legend of the five rings, blades in the dark, fate, savage worlds, forbidden lands, call of cthulhu, pendragon, westend star wars, warhammer fantasy, iron kingdoms and more.

We're a West-London roleplaying club meeting weekly on Tuesdays - currently in a pub's function room - playing a variety of different game systems in six week blocks.

We're a West-London roleplaying club meeting weekly on Tuesdays - currently in a pub's function room - playing a variety of different game systems in six week blocks. There are both recurring campaigns (like a Star Wars campaign that has been going on for over two decades) and more one shot adventures in systems including: Runequest, Legend of the five rings, blades in the dark, fate, savage worlds, forbidden lands, call of cthulhu, pendragon, westend star wars, warhammer fantasy, iron kingdoms and more.

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Pavilion Wood Lane London, United Kingdom, W12 0HQ