09 February 2021
Counting down to 2022 alreadt
Described in its announcement as "perhaps inevitable", the 2021 AireCon due to take place in April has been cancelled, and organisers were unable to find a suitable date to rearrange. Instead, they hope to return to the Harrogate convention centre next year, 11-13 March 2022.
The annual convention celebrates analogue gaming, being one of the last tabletop conventions to take place in the UK before lockdowns began last year.
While many conventions are heading online (us included – take a look at our Spring Showcase coming soon!), AireCon isn't doing so. However, it's converting to AireCan't! This encourages people to play games and get involved over the 16th–18th April. There'll be a dedicated website offering links to exhibitor pages, online gaming platforms, and media links.
Plus, there'll be a board game quiz on Friday 16th April, and a Charity Giveaway Event the following day, hosted on Facebook Live. The latter event is a replication of the annual charity draw at AireCon, with the previous year raising over £3,500. This year, proceeds will go to NHS Charities Together.
You can join in with AireCan't as more details come through, initially by using the hashtag #airecant in your social media interactions, by liking the Facebook page, arrange games through its community group, keep an eye on the website itself, and even buying AireCon/AireCan't merchandise!
Plus, we spoke to Mark Cooke of AireCon on the podcast a short while ago, which you can check out below, about board game communities (conventions and online), Renature and the five best types of games to play at conventions.