An official Dungeons & Dragons companion app is coming for 5e

14 March 2017
Screen-Shot-2017-03-14-at-09.10.39-20812.png D&D Beyond
You can sign up for the D&D Beyond beta now

Wizards of the Coast has announced that it is developing an official companion app for Dungeons & Dragons’ fifth edition.

D&D Beyond is being created with the help of communications platform Curse, which is owned by the livestreaming giant Twitch, and will include a variety of digital tools to help run a campaign.

Among the utilities built into the app – which will reportedly run on any device, including smartphones, tablets and PC – will be a rules compendium, character builder and digital character sheets. It will also work offline.

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According to Curse’s product lead for D&D Beyond, Adam Bradford, the service will offer both free and paid accounts, with premium content (such as class-specific items) and the ability to subscribe to manage a greater number of characters and access advanced tools, including support for fan-made custom content.

Bradford admitted that a price hasn’t been nailed down, but added that the app wouldn’t feature microtransactions.

“We aren't forcing anyone to buy the content in small chunks – it can still be bought all at once,” he wrote on Reddit. “It's all just flexibility.”

There’s no word on a release date for D&D Beyond yet, but you can sign up for the app’s beta now.