CMON Zombicide and Cthulhu Comic Series Teased

05 May 2020
It's a whole other world

Creators have a history of making games that contain beautiful story narratives, whether on their own, or inspired by other franchises. These worlds usually stay within the board game confines, whereby you’ll only re-explore them if the game warrants a sequel, or in your own iterations of the game itself.


CMON have branched out from this, announcing previously that they would be working on a comic book series of some of their popular games, and have now released a trailer. Alongside Guillotine Press, you’ll a brand new comic book series, with stories set in the universes of Zombicide, Zombicide: Invader, and Cthulhu: Death May Die.


The trailer also shows the names of these first comics, so for Volume One you’ll see Zombicide: Invader – Dead Contract, Zombicide: Day One, and Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fight or Flight. There’ll also be new gameplay and miniatures available as a result of these, though they have not yet been specified.




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This isn’t the first time CMON have looked to complete comics of their games, as it was only last year they announced a partnership with IDW Publishing for a Rising Sun comic book series, based on the game Rising Sun by Eric Lang (whose final game in the trilogy ended on Kickstarter yesterday with $3,320,196 pledged of its $300,000 goal), though no comic has yet been purchasable. They’ve also been publishing comics for Starcadia Quest by the same partnership, which suggests a good foundation for the different franchises to also convert to comic form.


The series is due to come to Kickstarter, and whilst there’s no specifics on when it will be available to pledge for, and subsequently any retail release, we’re advised to ‘stay tuned’ for now, with more information coming.


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