Horror Survival Game Final Girl Comes to Kickstarter

24 April 2020
Can you hide behind the sofa when it's a board game? Looks like we'll find out!

Do you know your Kruger from your Pennywise? Your Norman Bates from your Samara Morgan? Or alternatively, like this editor, watch horror films through your fingers?


If you can take it, Final Girl has launched on Kickstarter today as highly thematic horror game for one, based on favourite terrifying horror films. Within it, it’s kill or be killed, as you’re the last one standing – the Final Girl – and you refuse to go quietly.


You’ll purchase a core box and an additional feature film box in order to play, with the latter holding a unique killer and iconic location. The base pledge for this is $35, approximately £29. The boxes are double sided, and the magnetically attached box covers are removable, with the reverse of each functioning as the killer and location boards respectively. We do like when everything has a purpose!


To play, the game took award winning Hostage Negotiator system, and evolved it into a horror theme. You’ll play cards to move, rest, attack, or search, then make a Horror roll for the results. Then, the terror deck mixes cards to make it unique each time – flip the card and the Killer will wreak havoc on you and the victims. Essentially, it's a fast paced, tension ridden game with lots of potential outcomes.


Should you wish to buy more feature film boxes, you can then mix and match these, setting up one games killer with another games location to add to your core game. There are four so far – The Happy Trails Horror, The Haunting of Creech Manor, Slaughter in the Groves, and Carnage at the Carnival. It’s difficult not to envisage goosebumps books at those names, but the artwork overrides that pretty quickly – it looks suitably unsettling. For the full collection, plus the optional miniatures, you’re looking at a seemingly reasonable $99, approximately £81.


It’s kill or be killed: you’ll survive by killing the monster, but you’ll need to make sure they stay dead…

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You've got until Saturday, May 14th 2020 to back this one on Kickstarter. 




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