Jump with the paras in issue #467

11 February 2022
We have another superb issue covering all periods, styles and scales: from 28mm to 12mm to 2mm to... well no figures at all!

On the cover we feature Malati Bridge. It’s a refight of a famous WWII campaign: Operation Fustian.  The Scenario represents a landing using the new War on the Ground rules – ideally suited for smaller scales (12mm and smaller) and includes digital play sheets and maps.

We conclude Red Coat War: It’s the second part of the history of the Anglo Cherokee War of 1758 to 1761 and has downloadable cards and play aids for Black Powder and Rebels and Patriots.

We have Command Decision. In the first of a two parter, you can go all ‘Black hawk Down’ and play Task Force Ranger: a modern combat scenario set in Mogadishu.

In An Army a Day: we give you some guidance to getting figures on a table top as fast as possible. So. how do you paint a complete ACW army in a day? Go 2mm! In Send Three and Fourpence we have gaming with no figures during lockdown. Conrad Kinch shows his magnetic approach to 18th Century Kriegspiel.

In the Battle of Ginnis we present a set of simple rules along with a tribute to Peter Gilder’s Sudan Campaign Rules. In Scratch Build Tony Harwood builds Bro Dawel: a Welsh cottage.

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In All Guns Blazing: The Editor takes a trip to a transient new venue for Broadside  2021; and – finally – we have the review sections with crop of Defence in Depth for Figures and rules, Quartermaster for scenery and accessories plus we have Forward Observer for news and Recce for insightful book reviews. 

Last Word Features writer and columnist Duncan Wadsell.

WWII War on the Ground rules, Red Coat War, 18thC Kriegspiel, Sudan, Mogadishu, 2mm ACW & Scratch Building, Broadside 2021 + news & reviews

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