MORK BORG Spin-off CY_BORG coming to Kickstarter November 2021

28 October 2021
The future is coming, and man, it’s heavy

If you thought the future was going to be difficult, you’ve seen nothing yet. CY_BORG, a Sci-fi, cyberpunk, techno-rot game from Stockholm Kartell is coming to Kickstarter on the 13th November. You can sign up for notifications here.



CY_BORG is the newest outing for the MÖRK BORG system, which focuses on lightness of rules, heaviness of tone and sensibility. Apart from being the RPG most played by the editor of Tabletop Gaming magazine, MÖRK BORG gained praise for its mechanical lightness, style, and design and even picked up a few ENNIES.


The new game looks to continue the doom-laden experience of MÖRK BORG by adding a session-beginning countdown mechanic in the form of Miserable Headlines (instead of plain old vanilla Miseries in MÖRK BORG). Much like the previous game in the ‘series’ rolling seven of these will result in a catastrophic end of the world. The game is set in the city of Cy “the only city that matters” and offers the players a chance to be cybernetic punks and misfits in the form of archetypes like “Shunned Nanomancer”, “the Burned Hacker” and “the Renegade Cyberslasher”. All wholesome stuff.


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CY_BORG see the return of Johan Nohr as the designer and illustrator of the game, and Christian Sahlén is set to write the 160 page game. Like its predecessor, the game will benefit from the huge excitement from an enthusiastic community which has to date has almost a thousand titles extending the rules (including one bad one by this writer). You can find all of this extra content on Ex Libris.


READ: Our Interview with Pelle Nilsson and Johan Nohr about MÖRK BORG


LISTEN to the MÖRK BORG Adventure-meets-album Putrescence Regnant on Spotify