11 August 2020
Recognising Sir Tom
Captain Sir Thomas Moore became a household name over the course of the COVID-19 lockdown, as on the lead up to his 100th birthday he sought to raise money for the NHS by completing laps of his garden.
As his campaign became more popular, and well known across the country, instead of the £1,000 he had sought to raise before his birthday came, he in fact raised £32.79 million
As thanks, he's since received flypasts from the RAF and British Army, and was even knighted by the Queen.
Over at Warlord Games, they've wanted to recognise the efforts made and pay tribute to Sir Tom, both in his efforts to raise money for the NHS, and in his service in India in the Burma Campaign and Sumatra in the Second World War, as a member of the Royal Army Corp.
To do so, they've created a miniature, for which all profits from the sale will go directly to NHS charities. Named the NHS Tribute Figure, it bears resemblance to our Sir Tom, and is £5. It's scale 1/56th, and is metal, made to order.
"You may be wondering why the model is named ‘NHS Tribute Figure’." Says the description on the Warlord site. "We have reached out to the Sir Tom Moore Foundation in the hope of making this 'his' model and have hope that we may yet be able to present him with painted examples but Sir Tom has been understandably busy lately (meeting the Queen, no less!). Nevertheless, we wanted to begin raising funds for NHS charities in his honour so have opted to make this available now."
You can purchase your NHS Tribute Figure on the Warlord Games website.