Silent RPG Alice is Missing Coming to Kickstarter Soon

28 May 2020
Someone check the rabbit hole

When you think of RPG’s, you usually think of chatter across the table, the rolling of dice, and a reasonable amount of noise. It’s unusual then, to consider a wholly silent RPG, which is exactly what Alice is Missing is.


Due to come to Kickstarter next week, Alice is Missing is a silent roleplaying game that you play through text message. It centres around the disappearance of the titular Alice, a teenage girl, in a small Northern Californian town named Silent Falls. You’ll be seeking to find clues as to her disappearance through the messages you send, encountering the people who live there and discovering their lives too – and how it might factor into the disappearance of Alice. You’ll continue until “an emotional and climactic end”. This is all to a full-length soundtrack and structured narrative, which will allow you to unfold the case and seek to find Alice. All, to be done without the need of a gamemaster.


It’s worth noting warnings have been added to this game, for topics of tense family dynamics, death, grief, helplessness, loss, and violence.


It’s being published by Renegade Game Studios, with Hunters Entertainment (creators of Altered Carbon RPG). If you were quick enough to get tickets for Renegade Con, you’ll be able to see the game in action, as they’ll be demoing it on 6 June 2020, though tickets are unfortunately now sold out (though free, they were limited in number). Described as “Hauntingly beautiful”, it certainly sounds like one to watch.



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The Kickstarter has yet to be opened or launched, so for now if you’re looking for more detail, you can head over to Hunters Entertainment on Kickstarter where you’ll find it next week.




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