17 May 2021
A few surprises
You can also watch our video on the nominations below!
The most coveted award in tabletop gaming is arguably the Spiel Des Jahres, split into the Game of the year (Spiel Des Jahres), the children's game of the year (Kinderspiel des Jahres) and the connoisseur or expert game of the year (Kennerspiel).
For the Spiel Des Jahres this year, comes:
The Adventures of Robin Hood by Michale Menzel with Kosmos
This Kosmos game is an exciting take on the classic folk tale, which sees you moving on an open board with no set track. We spoke to Michael Menzel about its creation and his gaming path in the last issue, which you can pick up by clicking here, or read our feature by clicking here.
Plus - we spoke to Michael Menzel about what's to come on YouTube, which you can watch below.
MicroMacro: Crime City from Johannes Sich with Pegasus Spiele![]()
This became known to us through a series of mysterious postcards that appeared at Tabletop HQ, which fit together to form a whole image. A mixture between Where's Wally and Detective, this huge piece of art sees you trying to uncover the truth about crimes by searching the images for the story.
You can read more about it in our review by clicking here.
Plus, they're not stopping there! Check out what this publisher has in store for the next year, in a video from the Spring Showcase.
Zombie Teenz Evolution by Annick Lobet by Scorpion Masque
We reviewed these, which you can check out here, or you can see our profile on the studio that made it! Plus, we spoke to Christian Lemay of Scorpion Masque about the importance of intent in game design at our Virtual Tabletop Gaming Live show, which you can check out below.
The award also offers recommendations, which are as follows: Biss 20, Chakra, Point Salad, Switch & Signal, and The Key: Sabotage at Lucky Llama Land.
Nominations for the Kennerspiel were as follows:
Fantasy Realms, by Bruce Glassco & WizKids
A "combo-licious" card game, where you're simply picking up and discarding cards. Easy right? Not with the bonuses and penalties that are on the cards of course, so don't be in the way when an epic realm is being constructed!
Lost Ruins of Arnak by Min, Elwen, and Czech Games Edition![]()
"I think we’ve found what we were looking for" said the editor of Tabletop Gaming Magazine of the Lost Ruins of Arnak. A mixture of worker placement, deck building, and an exploration theme, this game sees you lead an expedition to explore an uninhabited island full of secrets.
You can read our review of it by clicking here, but spoiler alert, we rated it a Must-Play game!
Chris listed this as one of his top games of 2020 in a video below!
Paleo, by Peter Rustmeyer with Hans Im Gluck
Transporting you back to hunter gatherers, this is a game revolving around a set of cards representing a different event in the life of the tribe. But, you won't get to look at the cards before you play them, with different environments shown on the card side facing you, making your movements a little less certain.
You can read the review of Paleo here
Recommendations for this award include Aeon's End, Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion, and Rift Force
Finally, for the Kinderspeil Des Jahres:![]()
Dragomino, by Bruno Cathala, Marie Fort, Wilfried Fort, and Blue Orange Games
A children friendly version of Kingdomino that sees you hunting for dragon eggs.
Mia London and the Case of the 625 Scoundrels, by Antoine Bauza, Corentin Lebrat, and Scorpion Masque
Another Scorpion Masque nomination, this time for Mia London and the Case of the 625 Scoundrels, where you'll help Mia London nmask which of the 635 scoundrels has committed the crime.
Storytailors, by Marie Fort, Wilfried Fort, and Lifestyle Boardgames ![]()
A magical story book allowing children to visit different stories and befriend characters. They can take on any role, with character changing from day to day, as it's your choice who to play as.
The recommendations for this category were Dream Catcher, Hipp Hopp Hippo, Inspektor Nase, Käpt'n Kuller, Memo Friends, Swip'Sheep, and Tapikékoi.
So of the three, who do you think will win? Winners will be announced on 14 June 2021 for the Kinderspiel, and 19th July 2021 for Spiel and Kennerspiel.