Throw burritos at your friends in Exploding Kittens creators’ half-Uno, half-dodgeball party game

01 March 2019
throw-throw-burrito-19611.png Throw Throw Burrito
Collect cards and chuck food in Throw Throw Burrito

The designers behind party games Exploding Kittens, Bears vs. Babies and You’ve Got Crabs are back with their latest party game of surreal social silliness: Throw Throw Burrito.

Described as a cross between a card game and dodgeball – or ‘Uno meets Nerf’ – Throw Throw Burrito is a light set-collection game that features a pair of plush doe-eyed burritos that sit in the middle of the table.

Players race to collect sets of three cards in order to score, but playing a burrito card triggers a battle where players grab the squishy wraps from the table and lob them at each other to steal points – depending on the card sometimes it’s a one-on-one duel, other times an all-out food fight.

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Bringing Throw Throw Burrito to life are Elan Lee and Matthew Inman, the designer and The Oatmeal illustrator who made their tabletop debut with Exploding Kittens four years ago, based on an idea pitched to them by friend Brian Spence.

Inman’s distinctive artwork and humour is once again showcased on the game’s cards, which include animal mash-ups like Meow Cow, Barky Sharky and Goth Sloth.

As well as the standard version of Throw Throw Burrito, which costs around £15 (minus postage), the team are offering an ‘Extreme Edition’ that includes two supersized inflatable burritos, waterproof cards and sweatbands to play the game outside as part of its Kickstarter campaign.

The crowdfunding campaign has quickly smashed its modest goal of $10,000 by more than a hundred times over, sitting at just over $1 million raised so far – with almost a month still left on the clock. Could it top Exploding Kittens’ previously record-breaking $8.8 million?