Unlock! Star Wars Coming to A Galaxy Near You

16 June 2020
Pew pew pew?

Unlock! Games have become an easy favourite for many households, designed by Space Cowboys and distributed with Asmodee. So much so, that there are now numerous different entries into the series. At its core, it’s a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms, where you’ll be solving riddles and investigating to unlock something vital. You’ll have a choice of difficulty level, and takes around an hour to play, and there are a range of topics and franchises available for you to play through.


 Now, it has announced on French Asmodee Twitter, the releasing of an Unlock! Star Wars, with later social media posts confirming an English version also.


(And yes, the irony of Space Cowboy working on a franchise containing Hans Solo, the original Space Cowboy, has not gone unnoticed).


The game has been in development for two and a half years, and this version provides three scenarios which include original puzzles. These will take place during the original trilogy in terms of timeline, and potentially with reference to Rogue One as one of the three cards shown references a secret mission on Jedha, shown with Storm Troopers. The others show the Battle of Hoth atop a Tauntaun, and an unexpected delay, showing a Star Destroyer and Tie Fighter- and even more interestingly, an outrider, the ship most well known to be Dash Rendar's.


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These are set, however, to be outside of the main storyline of the films, to prevent overlap of confusion within play. There will also be new illustrations for each card presented.


An English language version has been confirmed for August 2020, with presumably the same or similar date as the French edition of 23 August 2020. This release would have been around the same time as the Star Wars Celebration, which has regrettably been cancelled. In the meantime, you can check out our thoughts on Unlock! Escape Adventures, and Unlock! Secret Adventure.


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