Tabletop Gaming - Issue 89

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On Sale: 22/03/2024

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What's in this Issue?

What's in this issue?


From far far away to your tabletop, Star Wars has inspired gamers across the board (literally). From the brand new trading card game, to the animated series inspired skirmish miniatures game, to playing as the villains on the board and beyond. Packed with designer interviews, fun deep dives, and guides to get you started whichever flavour of tabletop you may prefer, we can safely say, these ARE the games you’re looking for. 

•    TRADING CARDS: The brand new Star WarsTM: Unlimited has landed, we’ve got everything you need to know, PLUS an interview with designer Tyler Parrott
•    MINIATURES: How do you bring the energy of the animated series to life? Star WarsTM:: Shatterpoint designer has answers, PLUS how to assemble minis!
•    BOARD GAMES: How have board games used the Force? Is business finished with Unfinished Business? PLUS an interview with the Star Wars Villainous designer
•    PLUS: Star Wars RPGs, and Shut Up & Sit Down’s Quentin Smith goes rogue with new YouTube Channel Quinns Quest!
•    BIG REVIEWS: Including… MLEM: Space Agency, Apiary, Deliverance, Roll Camera & B Movie Expansion and more!

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