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Operation Phantom Fury: The allied forces push into Fallujah, Iraq 2004 with photos of the game by Maidstone Wargames Society at last year’s Salute.

Operation Phantom Fury: The allied forces push into Fallujah, Iraq 2004 with photos of the game by Maidstone Wargames Society at last year’s Salute.

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Operation Phantom Fury: The allied forces push into Fallujah, Iraq 2004 with photos of the game by Maidstone Wargames Society at last year’s Salute.

Operation Phantom Fury: The allied forces push into Fallujah, Iraq 2004 with photos of the game by Maidstone Wargames Society at last year’s Salute.

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Operation Phantom Fury: The allied forces push into Fallujah, Iraq 2004 with photos of the game by Maidstone Wargames Society at last year’s Salute.

Operation Phantom Fury: The allied forces push into Fallujah, Iraq 2004 with photos of the game by Maidstone Wargames Society at last year’s Salute.

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