Kodama: The Tree Spirits branches out with two-player spin-off that doubles as expansion

10 May 2018
pic4119786-94902.jpg Kodama Duo: Kindred Spirits
Kodama Duo: Kindred Spirits out this October

Kodama: The Tree Spirits is spreading its roots with a new spin-off and expansion for the beautiful card game.

Released a couple of years back, Kodama’s gameplay focuses on caring for trees, ensuring players lay down the right combination of branches, flowers and bugs to keep them growing through the seasons and making sure they provide a home for their Princess Mononoke-like spirit dwellers.

Kodama Duo, which has the charming subtitle Kindred Spirits, follows in this suit, keeping the tree-building and scoring intact but changing up the way that branch cards are picked, along with some other mechanics.

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As well as being a standalone spin-off just for two players, Kodama Duo doubles as an expansion for the original game, increasing the player count to six and introducing new card-drafting rules for picking branch cards that apparently keeps the play time down.

The game’s currently up on Kickstarter, where it’s already sailed past its £7,000 target, and will be out this October.