There’s a Cluedo comic on the way from a Guardians of the Galaxy writer and Judge Dredd artist, seriously

06 March 2017
1-clue-p_2017-71961.jpg Clue – the comic book
First issue in five-part series will feature three alternate endings in homage to 1985 film adaptation

We’ve seen Pathfinder do it. We’ve seen Blood Bowl do it. Now, the latest tabletop hit to make the leap into the world of comic books is… Cluedo?

Well, technically it’s Clue, the American name for the classic whodunit family favourite, which is being adapted into a five-part run of comic books by IDW Publishing in collaboration with publisher Hasbro, as detailed by Hollywood Reporter.

If that wasn’t enough, penning the series will be Paul Allor, who has previously written for iconic comic characters including Guardians of the Galaxy, G.I. Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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Providing illustrations and colour (that’d be mustard, scarlet, white, plum, green…) will be Nelson Daniel, who has worked with British comic icon Judge Dredd, as well as tabletop classic Dungeons & Dragons.

The iconic roster of characters will be updated for a contemporary retelling, bringing in modern addition to the board game Miss Orchid, as well as a completely original character created just for the comic.

Meanwhile, the traditional cast will be overhauled – Mrs. White is now a senator rather than a maid, while Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet and Professor Plum will all similarly be modernised.

The comic will seemingly owe inspiration to Cluedo/Clue’s 1985 Tim Curry-starring cinematic adaptation, with the first issue, due to release in June, featuring three alternate endings – just like the film, which hit cinemas with three entirely different conclusions.