24 October 2016
‘The reason for the sale was simply to guarantee the game would continue to grow and actually get better,’ explains creator Romeo Filip
Four years after it Kickstarted sci-fi alt-history minis title Wild West Exodus, Outlaw Miniatures has sold the game.
Creator Romeo Filip took to the WWX forums to announce the sale to Wayland Games, explaining that his desire to grow the game was the driving force behind the decision.
“I and the rest of our staff felt that if we wanted the game to be incredible that something would need to change,” Filip stated. “This change required a major decision to be made. Look at hiring several more people to progress the game, or sell the company. After many months of discussing the options and looking at what would be best for our fans, we decided to sell.
“The reason for the sale was simply to guarantee the game would continue to grow and actually get better. A larger team run by a dedicated staff would mean a second rule book, more factions, even better models, and so on. All the signs pointed to pulling the trigger and finding a buyer who has the knowledge and business sense to take over.”
Filip added that he and the Outlaw team had discussed with Wayland the future direction for the tabletop title before agreeing to the acquisition, and suggested that he may be involved with future expansions to the story and characters of the game.
“The vision had to be there and the drive to achieve it needed to show,” he said. “Wayland not only showed the interest but assembled a team of dedicated staffers who will push the game forward.
“I personally feel that this change will bring success and growth to an already popular game.”