The Melyd Meeples

We are a group of like minded and friendly individuals who all love board gaming and who are all different ages and from different walks of life, we meet weekly in Prestatyn and play games, but we also have plans in place to host full gaming days, with tournaments, regular table top and party style games as well as longer gaming sessions for large games like Advanced Civ and Twilight Imperium etc. We welcome new members so if you are in the area, drop us a line!

North Wales based gaming group for all ages.

We are a group of like minded and friendly individuals who all love board gaming and who are all different ages and from different walks of life, we meet weekly in Prestatyn and play games, but we also have plans in place to host full gaming days, with tournaments, regular table top and party style games as well as longer gaming sessions for large games like Advanced Civ and Twilight Imperium etc. We welcome new members so if you are in the area, drop us a line!

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High Street Prestatyn, United Kingdom, LL19 9AH