27 April 2020
We cover more than the bear necessities with Critical Role’s first season miniatures outing: Vox Machina.
Paints and Techniques
- Abaddon Black
- Agrax Earthshade
- Averland Sunset
- Balor Brown
- Cadian Fleshtone
- Caledor Sky
- Celestra Grey
- Ceramite White
- Dark Reaper Dawnstone
- Deathclaw Brown
- Dechala Lilac
- Dorn Yellow
- Drakenhof Nightshade
- Dryad Bark
- Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Fire Dragon Bright
- Flayed One
- Flesh Gauss
- Blaster Green
- Gehenna’s Gold
- Genestealer Purple
- Grey Knights Steel
- Ironbreaker Kabalite
- Green Karak Stone
- Khorne Red
- Kislev Flesh
- Macragge Blue
- Mephiston Red
- Moot Green
- Mournfang Brown
- Nuln Oil
- Pallid Wych
- Flesh Reikland
- Fleshshade Retributor
- Gold Russ Grey
- Skrag Brown
- Squig Orange
- Steel Legion Drab
- Stormhost Silver
- Sybarite Green
- Tau Light Ochre
- Teclis Blue
- Temple Guard Blue
- Thunderhawk Blue
- Ulthuan Grey
- Waaagh! Flesh
- Warpstone Glow
- Wazdakka Red
- Wild Rider Red
- Xereus Purple
- XV-88 Zandri Dust
Each model is split up into 4 stages, each with a list of colours and the corresponding paint that was used for it. Each stage uses a different technique to achieve a similar effect on each element but with different colours.
Stage 1 is basecoating. Base colours are applied using flat colours. Since the models are primed a lighter colour these initial coats are applied slightly watered down, around 2 parts paint to 1 part water.
Stage 2 is shading. During this stage we apply washes and glazes to the more shadowed areas of the miniatures, particularly the lower edges and undersides.
Stage 3 is layering. This stage involves applying a layer of a lighter colour, generally focussed towards the top of the model, avoiding the areas previously shaded. This guide also features a lot of line highlights at this stage. This involves applying a thin line of paint to the raised areas and straight edges of the area.
Stage 4 is for final details and highlights. This stage involves adding the finishing touches, sometimes just small details like the eyes, or adding small highlights to increase definition.
If you find yourself unsure of where to apply the highlights or spot highlights, look over the images alongside the guide and compare that stage to the last.
Pike Trickfoot, The Gnome Cleric
Base Coating
Ironbreaker: Apply a basecoat to the armour
Kislev Flesh: Apply a basecoat to the skin
Ulthuan Grey: Apply a basecoat to the hair
Caledor Sky: Apply a basecoat to the coat and tabard
Averland Sunset: Apply a basecoat to the gloves and armour detailing.
Agrax Earthshade: Apply a wash to everything but the hair and face
Reikland Fleshshade: Apply a wash to the skin
Drakenhof Nightshade: Apply a was to the hair
Stormhost Silver: Apply a layer to the metals
Kislev Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin
Ulthuan Grey: Apply a layer to the hair
Teclis Blue: Apply a layer to the cloak and tabard
Averland Sunset: Apply a line highlight to the gloves and armour detailing.
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the face
Ceramite White: Apply a line highlight to the hair
Temple Guard Blue: Apply a line highlight to the cloak and the tabard
Dorn Yellow: Apply an edge highlight to the gloves and armour detailing
Mephiston Red: Apply a layer to the centre jewel
Keyleth, the Half-Elf Druid
Kabalite Green: Apply a basecoat to the dress
Waaagh! Flesh: Apply a basecoat to the interior of the cloak and collar
Khorne Red: Apply a basecoat to the cloth at the waist and the back of the cloak
Wild Rider Red: Apply a basecoat to the hair
Steel Legion Drab: Apply a basecoat to the straps, staff, and crown.
Kilslev Flesh: Apply a basecoat to the skin.
Reikland Fleshshade: Apply a wash to the skin
Drakenhof Nightshade: Apply a wash to the dress and cloak interior
Agrax Earthshade: Apply a wash to the staff, hair, crown and pouches
Sybarite Green: Apply a line highlight to the dress
Warpstone Glow: Apply a layer to the cloak
Mephiston Red: Apply a line highlight o the cloth at the waist and the back of the cloak
Squig Orange: Apply a layer to the hair
Zandri Dust: Apply a layer to the straps, staff, and crown
Kislev Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin
Gauss Blaster Green: Apply a spot highlight to the dress
Moot Green: Apply a line highlight to the cloak
Evil Sunz Scarlet: Line highlight to the cloth at the waist and the back of the cloak
Fire Dragon Bright: Apply a spot highlight to the hair
Karak Stone: Apply a line highlight to the straps, staff, and crown
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the skin.
Percival De Rolo, The Human Gunslinger
Cadian Fleshtone: Apply a basecoat to the skin
Ulthuan Grey: Apply a basecoat to the hair
Macragge Blue: Basecoat the robes
Skrag Brown: Apply a basecoat to the boots and gloves
Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat to the straps and pouches
Grey Knights Steel: Basecoat the metals
Xereus Pruple: Apply a basecoat to the cravat
Averland Sunset: Apply a basecoat to the detailing
Agrax Earthshade: Apply a wash to everything but the face and metals
Reikland Fleshshade: Apply a wash to the skin
Nuln Oil: Apply a wash to the metals.
Kislev Flesh: Apply a layer to the face
Ceramic White: Apply a layer to the hair
Caledor Sky: Apply a layer to the robes
Deathclaw Brown: Apply a line highlight to the scraps and pouches
Steel Legion Drab: Line highlight the straps and pouches
Ironbreaker: Apply a layer to the metals
Genestealer Purple: Apply a line highlight to the detailing
Averland Sunset: Apply a line highlight to the detailing.
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a line highlight ot the skin
Telclis Blue: Apply a line highlight to the robes
Tau Light Ochre: Apply a spot highlight to the boots and gloves
Karak Stone: Apply a spot highlight to the straps and pouches
Dechala Lilac: Apply a line highlight to the cravat
Dorn Yellow: Apply a spot highlight to the detailing.
Grog Strongjaw, The Goliath Barbarian
Celestra Gray: Apply a basecoat to the skin and skull
Leadbelcher: Apply a basecoat to the metlals
Khorne Red: Apply a basecoat to the loin cloth
Dark Reaper: apply a basecoat to the trousers and furs
Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat to the boots, gloves, and straps
Nuln Oil: Apply a wash across the whole model.
Celestra Grey: Apply a layer to the skin
Ironbreaker: Apply a layer to the metals
Mephiston red: Apply a line highlight to the tabbard
Thunderhawk Blue: Apply a layer to the trousers and furs
Steel Legion Drab: Apply a line highlight to the boots, gloves and straps
Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a layer to the skull.
Ulthuan Grey: Apply a line highlight to the skin
Stormhost Silver: Line highlight the metals
Wazdakka Red: Apply a spot highlight to the tabard
Russ Grey: Apply a line highlight to the trousers
Dawnstone: Apply a spot highlight to the furs
Karak Stone: line highlight the boots, gloves, and straps
Abaddon Black: Apply a layer to fill in the tattooed areas
Scanlan Shorthalt, the Gnome Bard
Celestra Grey: Apply a basecoat to the shirt
Genestealer Purple: Apply a basecoat to the waistcoat and trousers
Dryad Bark: apply a basecoat to the hair
Kislev Flesh: Apply a basecoat to the skin
Skrag Brown: Apply a basecoat to the boots, straps, and lute
Averland Sunset: Appyl a basecoat to the lining on the trousers
Retributor Gold: Apply a basecoat to the metals
Agrax Earthshade: Apply a wash across the whole model except the skin
Reikland Fleashshade: Apply a wash to the skin
Ulthuan Grey: Apply a layer to the shirt
Dechala Lilac: Apply a line highlight to the waistcoat and trousers
Mournfang Brown: Line highlight the ahir
Kislev Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin
Deathclaw Brown: Apply a line highlight to the boots, strap and lute
Averland Sunset: Apply a line highlight to the lining of the trousers
Gehenna's Gold: Apply a layer to the metals
Ceramite White: Apply a line highlight to the shirt
XV-88: Apply a spot highlight to the hair
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a line highlihg to the skin
Dorn Yellow: Apply a spot highlight to the lining of the trousers.
Vex'ahlia, The Half-Elf Ranger
Kilsev Flesh: Apply a basecoat to the skin
Teclis Blue: Apply a basecoat to the cloak and tabard
Skrag Brown: Apply a basecoat to the top and boots
Dark Reaper: Apply a basecoat to the trousers and straps
Grey Knights Steel: Apply a basecoat to the metals
Nuln Oil: Apply a wash to the whole model except the skin, cloak,and tabard.
Drakenhof Nightshade: Apply a wash to the cloak and tabard
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin
Teclis Blue: Layer the cloak and tabard
Deathclaw Brown: Apply a line highlight to the top and boots
Thunderhawk Blue: Line highlight the straps and apply lines down the trousers
Stormhost SIlver: Apply a line highlight to the metals
Caramite White: Apply a line highlight to the fletching
Dawnstone: Apply a line highlight to the hair
Temple Guard Blue: Apply a spot highlight to the cloak and tabard
Tau Light Ochre: Apply a spot highlight to the top and boots
Celestra Grey: Apply a spot highlihgt to the hair
Russ Grey: Apply a line highlight to the trousers
Trinket, the Bear
XV-88: Apply a basecoat to the fur
Grey Knight Steel: Apply a basecoat to the armour
Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat to the straps
Agrax Earthshade: Apply a wash over the entire model
Nuln Oil: Once the previous wash is dry, apply a wash over the armour
Iron Breaker: Apply a light drybrush to the armour
Balour Brown: Apply a layer to the fur
Steel Legion Drab: Apply a line highlight of the straps
Abaddon Black: Apply a layer to the eyes and snout.
Stormhost Silver: Apply a line highlight to the armour
Balor Brown: Apply a layer to the top half of the fur
Karak Stone: Apply a spot highlight to the straps
Vax'ildan, the Half-Elf Rogue
Dark Reaper: Apply a basecoat to the main clothing and cape
Dryad Bark: Apply a basecoat to the boots, gloves, and hair
Leadbelcher: Apply a basecoat to the metals
Kislev Flesh: Apply a basecoat to the skin
Nuln Oil: Apply a wash over the whole model
Thunderhawk Blue: apply a line highlight to the clothing and cape
Mournfang Brown: Apply a highlight ot the boots, gloves, and hair
Ironbreaker: Apply a layer to the metals
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin
Russ Grey: Apply a spot highlight to the clothing and cape
XV-88: Apply a spot highlight to the boots, gloves, and hair
Storm Host Silver: Apply a spot highlight to the metals
Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a spot highlight to the skin
Stage 1
Abbadon Black: Begin by adding an oval over each eye
Stage 2
Ceramite White: Apply another oval within the first, leaving a little of the black showing around the edges
Stage 3
Abaddon Black: Apply a small dot to each eye for the pupil
Words and photography by Andy Leighton
This review originally appeared in issue 38 of Tabletop Gaming. Pick up the latest issue of the UK's fastest-growing gaming magazine in print or digital here or subscribe to make sure you never miss another issue.
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