11 September 2020
We dip our brush into the deep and get stuck into a colour palette to lose our minds over
Words and photographs by Andy Leighton
Paints and Techniques
- Agrax Earthshade
- Akhelion Green
- Apothecaery White
- Black Templar
- Blue Horror
- Creed Camo
- Dawnstone
- Death World Forest
- Dechala Lilac
- Deepkin Flesh
- Dorn Yellow
- Elysian Green
- Emperor’s Children
- Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Fenrisian Grey
- Fire Dragon Bright
- Flayed One Flesh
- Flesh Tearers Red
- Fulgrim Pink
- Gauss Blaster Green
- Genestealer Purple
- Gore-Grunta Fur
- Guilliman Flesh
- Iyanden Yellow
- Karak Stone
- Lamenters Yellow
- Lugganath Orange
- Nurgling Green
- Pallid Wych Flesh
- Pink Horror
- Rhinox Hide
- Slaanesh Grey
- Space Wolves Grey
- Squig Orange
- Steel Legion Drab
- Temple Guard Blue
- Terradon Turquoise
- Ulthuan Grey
- Ultramarines Blue
- Volupus Pink
- Waywatcher Green
- White Scar
- Wild Rider Red
- Wyldwood
Each model is split up into 4 stages, each with a list of colours and the corresponding paint that was used for it. Each stage uses a different technique to achieve a similar effect on each element but with different colours.
Stage 1 is basecoating. Base colours are applied using Citadel Contrast paints. This is applied in one even coat and provides a good, shaded basecoat.
Stage 2 is layering. This stage involves applying a layer of a lighter colour, generally focussed towards the top of the model. Layers, as the name would suggest, are applied with several light coats.
Stage 3 is for highlights. This stage involves adding definition using edge and line highlights to pick out the raised areas. This helps to define the features of the mini.
Stage 4 is for final details. This involves any clean up and adding finishing touches.
If you find yourself unsure of where to apply the highlights or spot highlights, look over the images alongside the guide and compare that stage to the last.
The Fisherman
Black Templar: Apply a coat to the boots and trousers.
Creed Camo: Apply a coat to the jacket.
Space Wolves Grey: Apply a coat to the weapon heads and helmet.
Wyldwood: Apply a coat to the weapon handles, belts and shirt.
Ultramarines Blue: Apply a coat to the octopus body.
Volupus Pink: Apply a coat to the tentacles, except the tips.
Flesh Tearers Red: Apply a coat to the tips of the tentacles.
Guilliman Flesh: Apply a coat to the skin.
Fenrisian Grey: Apply a line highlight to the edge of the weapons, metals and the main body of the octopus.
Squig Orange: Apply a stipple to the main body of the metals.
Steel Legion Drab: Apply a line highlight to the weapon handles, belt and hair.
Death World Forest: Apply a line highlight to the jacket.
Genestealer Purple: Apply a highlight to the next section on the tentacles.
Evil Sunz Scarlet: Apply a highlight to the tip of the tentacles.
Pink Horror: Apply a layer to the octopus eyes.
Deepkin Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin.
Steel Legion Drab: Add a line highlight to the trousers and boots.
Blue Horror: Apply a spot highlight to the weapons, metals and body of the octopus.
Fire Dragon Bright: Add a spot highlight to the rust.
Karak Stone: Apply a spot highlight to the weapon handles, belt and hair.
Elysian Green: Apply a spot highlight to the jacket.
Dechala Lilac: Apply a spot highlight to the tentacles.
Wild Rider Red: Apply a spot highlight to the tentacle tips.
Emperor’s Children: Apply a layer to the eyes of the octopus.
Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the skin.
Nurgling Green: Apply a spot highlight to the trousers.
White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the weapons, metals and octopus eyes.
Agrax Earthshade: Apply a wash over the rusty areas.
Gauss Blaster Green: Apply a spot highlight to the jacket.
Lugganath Orange: Apply a spot highlight to the tips of the tentacles.
Waywatcher Green: Mix with one part water and apply to the skin.
The Dunsmouth Witch
Terradon Turquoise: Apply a coat to the skirt.
Wyldwood: Apply a coat to the shirt, ropes and nets.
Akhelion Green: Apply a coat to the cloak.
Gore-Grunta Fur: Apply a coat to the belt.
Ultramarines Blue: Apply a coat to the top two thirds of the tentacles and crown.
Volupus Pink: Apply a coat to the last third of the tentacles and the crown, except the tips.
Blood Angels Red: Apply a coat to the tips of the tentacles and crown.
Guilliman Flesh: Apply a coat to the skin.
Temple Guard Blue: Apply a layer to the skirt and shawl, and an edge highlight to the crabs.
Karak Stone: Apply a line highlight to the shirt, ropes, net and belt.
Fenrisian Grey: Apply a spot highlight to the base of the tentacles and crown.
Genestealer Purple: Apply a highlight to the next section on the tentacles.
Evil Sunz Scarlet: Apply a highlight to the tip of the tentacles and crabs claws.
Deepkin Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin.
Blue Horror: Apply a spot highlight to the skirt, shawl, crabs and tentacle base.
Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a spot highlight to the shirt, ropes, net and belt, as well as a line highlight to the skin.
Dechala Lilac: Apply a spot highlight to the middle of the tentacles.
Wild Rider Red: Apply a spot highlight to the ends of the tentacles and the crab claws.
White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the metals and a line highlight of the hair.
Lugganath Orange: Apply a spot highlight to the tips of the tentacles and crab claws.
Emperor’s Children: Apply a layer to the crab’s eyes.
Waywatcher Green: Mix with one part water and apply to the skin.
Molly Malone
Apothecary White: Apply a coat to the shirt and shawl.
Terradon Turquoise: Apply a coat to the skirt and cape.
Gore Grunta Fur: Apply a coat to the apron, bucket and ropes.
Space Wolves Grey: Apply a coat to the metals.
Black Templar: Apply a coat to the bucket contents.
Ultramarines Blue: Apply a coat to the top two-thirds of the tentacles.
Volupus Pink: Apply a coat to the last third of the tentacles, except the tips.
Blood Angels Red: Apply a coat to the tips of the tentacles.
Guilliman Flesh: Apply a coat to the skin.
Ulthuan Grey: Apply a layer to the shirt and shawl.
Temple Guard Blue: Apply a line highlight to the skirt and cape.
Fenrisian Grey: Apply a line highlight to the weapon, metals and tops half of the tentacles.
Karak Stone: Apply a line highlight to the wood and apron.
Genestealer Purple: Apply a highlight to the next section on the tentacles.
Evil Sunz Scarlet: Apply a highlight to the tip of the tentacles.
Deepkin Flesh: Apply a layer to the skin.
White Scar: Apply a line highlight to the shirt and shawl.
Blue Horror: Apply a line highlight to the skirt and cape, and a spot highlight to the weapons and tentacles.
Decala Lilac: Apply a spot highlight to the middle of the tentacles.
Wild Rider Red: Apply a spot highlight to the tips of the tentacles.
Pallid Wych Flesh: Apply a line highlight to the skin and a spot highlight to the apron and wood.
White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the weapon and metals.
Lugganath Orange: Apply a spot highlight to the tips of the tentacles.
Waywatcher Green: Mix with one part water and apply to the skin and bucket contents.
The Angler
Apothocary White: Apply a coat to the back half of the model.
Space Wolves Grey: Apply a coat moving along the model about 1cm.
Ultramarines Blue: Continue adding 1cm strips moving towards the front of the model.
Volupus Pink: This strip should be almost reaching the front, leaving the face, tips of the claws and light.
Flesh Tearers Red: Add a final coat to the face and claw tips.
Iyanden Yellow: Add a coat to the lure.
Deepkin Flesh: Apply a layer to the back half of the model.
Fenrisian Grey: Apply a layer to the next section.
Genestealer Purple: Apply a highlight to the next section.
Evil Sunz Scarlet: Apply a highlight to the next section.
Dorn Yellow: Apply a layer to the lure and eyes.
Slaanesh Grey: Apply a layer to the teeth.
White Scar: Apply a highlight to the white section, and a layer to the lure and eyes.
Blue Horror: Apply a spot highlight to the next section.
Dechala Lilac: Apply a spot highlight of the next section.
Wild Rider Red: Apply a spot highlight to the next section.
Deepkin Flesh: Apply a layer to the teeth.
Lugganath Orange: Apply a spot highlight to the red sections.
White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the teeth.
Lamenters Yellow: Apply a coat to the lure and eyes.
Click Clack
Akhelion Greeen: Apply a coat to the shell, except the tips of the legs and the claws.
Volupus Pink: Apply a coat to the eyes and mouth.
Black Templar: Apply a coat to the molluscs on top of the shell.
Temple Guard Blue: Apply a drybrush to the shell.
Evil Sunz Scarlet: Apply a layer to the front half of the claws and the tips of the feet.
Pink Horror: Apply a layer to the outer mouth parts and eyes.
Slaanesh Grey: Apply a layer to the teeth.
Dawnstone: Apply a highlight to the molluscs.
Blue Horror: Apply a highlight to the shell. This is applied differently on different areas. Use edge highlighting around the rims of the shell and spot highlighting to pick out the details.
Wild Rider Red: Apply a line highlight to the claws and feet tips.
Fulgrim Pink: Apply a layer to the eyes.
Slaanesh Grey: Apply a line highlight to the mouth.
Deepkin Flesh: Apply a layer to the teeth.
Pallid Wych Flesh: Add some spot highlight to the shell, focussing on the tips of ridges and edges.
Lugganath Orange: Apply a spot highlight to the claws.
White Scar: Apply a spot highlight to the teeth and eyes.
Stage 1
Aggaros Dunes: Apply a coat to the sand.
Space Wolves Grey: Apply a coat to the front half of the water.
Akhellion Green: Apply a coat to the back half of the water.
Stage 2
Karak Stone: Apply a drybrush to the sand.
Stage 3
Flayed One Flesh: Apply a light drybrush to the sand.
Stage 4
White Scar: Make a mix with two parts water and apply a line across where the water and sand meet.
Stage 5
White Scar: Apply a thin line along the edge of where the water and sand meet.
Stage 6
Abaddon Black: Apply a coat to the base rim.
This review originally appeared in Issue 43 of Tabletop Gaming. Pick up the latest issue of the UK's fastest-growing gaming magazine in print or digital here or subscribe to make sure you never miss another issue.
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