3D Printables available now at Humble Bundle

17 April 2020
Dungeons and dragons and lairs, oh my!

Humble bundle are at it again, and amongst their latest offerings, they’re appeasing our favourite Dungeon Masters with a huge bundle of 3D Printables, in its Dungeon & Dragon Lair Terrain Bundle.


If you’re unfamiliar with them; Humble Bundle works by offering content bundles at a pay-what-you-like/can mentality. Higher payments unlock more content, however these are generally well below RRP. The money you pay goes to the developer and also on to charity, so it’s a nice way to grab a bargain and do a good deed at the same time.


For your first bundle, you’ll find in this case, a £1 provides seven rewards, from evil trees, to hobgoblin city walls, village buildings, Mausoleum and a paper terrain.


A further fifteen items are unlocked with a payment of £7, including windmills, village ruins, a bamboo forest, plague doctors, Hobgoblin Barracks and more.

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And finally, in addition to the above, for £12.50 you’ll be overrun with potential figures, which include pack mules, a Pumpkin Golem, village streets, sewers, cemeteries, roofs, and more. Altogether, there are 43 items – though within those can be multiple. It’s tonnes of what you could need or want to add an extra level of mystery to your tabletop.


You’ll find these are in an STL format, which is compatible with most 3D printers (though of course, do check!).


The total value of the above at retail is $433, so you’re grabbing yourself a bargain! But hurry, these end on 22 April 2020. Check out the Humble Bundle here.