Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small’s new Big Box packs in two expansions and better meeples, out in the UK this June

18 May 2018
pic4135987-45529.jpg Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small – The Big Box
Marks long-awaited reprint of two-player spin-off to Uwe Rosenberg hit

The two-player spin-off to Uwe Rosenberg’s agricultural hit Agricola is returning with a Big Box edition this summer.

All Creatures Big and Small was originally released in 2012, focusing on animal husbandry and ditching the vegetable-growing and family management elements of the intense farming simulator. As in the original, players breed horses, cows, sheep and pigs to attain victory points, organising and expanding their pastures along the way.

The game has been out of print for a while, but it’s back this year bigger and better than ever, with The Big Box including the base game and both expansions previously released for the game – More Buildings Big and Small and Even More Buildings Big and Small –plus improved components, such as shaped resource and worker tokens. The gameplay is otherwise identical to the standard All Creatures Big and Small.

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Despite the name, the Big Box is said to be the same size as Bärenpark, Isle of Skye or Costa Rica, so it’s not exactly going to require building an extension to your house, like Gloomhaven.

The upcoming edition is due to release in the UK at the beginning of June, with publisher Lookout Games saying it should be available at this year’s UK Games Expo between June 1st and 3rd. A price is yet to be announced.