Alessio Cavatore creating My Little Pony RPG

21 March 2016
mylittlepony-76538.png My Little Pony
Tails of Equestria due later this year from River Horse.

After already signing the licenses for Terminator: Genisys, Labyrinth and The Hunger Games, Alessio Cavatore’s scooped another huge license… My Little Pony. Yep, that’s right, the creator of Kings of War and The Lords of the Rings skirmish game is a secret brony.

Alessio announced Tails of Equestria, a My Little Pony role-playing game over on Beasts of War and gave some first details about the upcoming title. Firstly the idea behind the RPG is that it’s something kids and adults can play together, perhaps a mum or day playing as the GM, while the kids all play as ponies.

Just like a typical RPG, players begin by choosing their ‘class’, which in this case are the three different types of ponies: unicorn, pegasus or earth pony and all have their own special stats, e.g. a pegasus can fly (of course) while a unicorn is better at magic spells.

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You can also choose you own special talents, like the ability to make beautiful fireworks or even cook delicious pies, alongside weaknesses, which can also be anything you want, from a fear of zombie (as chosen by Alessio’s seven-year-old daughter) or a tendency to be greedy.

The initial release will be a hardback Tails of Equestria rulebook complete with detailed stats about all the different characters and a simple adventure for ponies to play through before they attempt to create their own quests. River Horse won’t be making models, as the license owner Hasbro makes quite a lot of My Little Pony toys, but will be looking at creating expansions in the future.