Android: Netrunner is coming to an end after six incredible years

11 June 2018
netrunner-52561.jpg Android: Netrunner
Living card game to live no more from October 22nd

In one of the most shocking gaming announcements in recent memory, Fantasy Flight has confirmed the sudden termination of Android: Netrunner later this year.

The revelation that the competitive cyberpunk living card game will be no more after October 22nd 2018 is particularly surprising given the recent release of a revised core set for the head-to-head favourite and rotation of its tournament-legal card list.

That hasn’t stopped Wizards of the Coast, which published Richard Garfield’s original Netrunner collectible card game in the ‘90s before turning it over to Fantasy Flight to reimagine in the Android universe as an LCG six years ago, from deciding not to refresh their licensing agreement with the studio.

The last Android: Netrunner expansions will be Reign and Reverie, a pack including cards for every faction in the game.

Android: Netrunner’s tournament scene and organised play plans will also conclude with the card game's demise, with the final world championships to be held this September as part of the wider Android: Magnum Opus celebration of the universe.

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Fantasy Flight added that although it wouldn’t be able to continue Netrunner, it still has plans for other games set in its cyber-dystopian setting, which includes the original Android murder-mystery board game and economic board game New Angeles.

“Just because we won’t be printing it anymore doesn’t suddenly turn it into a game that’s not worth playing,” said studio head Andrew Navaro in the blog post. “It’s an excellent game. About twenty years ago the Netrunner CCG was discontinued – after a much shorter run than the LCG enjoyed – and fans continued to play that version of the game for years without any official support from its publisher. Their patience and dedication were eventually rewarded by the resurrection of the game they loved.

“Personally, I hold out hope that one day Netrunner will return, and that our part in its history will be regarded as a significant chapter of its much longer journey.”