CMON to publish English version of Lorenzo il Magnifico and revamped Council of 4

11 November 2016
002bc620-74bb-4f4a-bea2-534b6fbc8a7c-86947.jpg Lorenzo il Magnifico
Italian Renaissance-set title and economic strategy game due out next year
CMON to publish English version of Lorenzo il Magnifico and revamped Council of 4 Images

CMON has once again teamed up with Cranio Creations to bring out new editions of two of its games.

The publisher will release an English language version of Lorenzo il Magnifico, a card drafting title set during the Italian Renaissance where players take control of high-ranking families and aim to become the most influential family of the group by gather resources, expanding territory and building up their power, while making sure to pay respect to the church.

Designed by Flaminia Brasini, Virginio Gigli and Simone Luciani, and illustrated by Agricola and Isle of Skye’s Klemenz Franz, the English edition will retain the game’s original mechanics and visuals.

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CMON’s other release is another Simone Luciani co-design, with the help of his Tzolk’in co-creator Daniele Tascini.

Council of 4 is an economic strategy title that casts players as merchants in an empire split into three and ruled by the titular council. Players attempt to obtain building permits for their land by bribing officials and exploiting the political system to gain the most points. The title features a modular board and multiple ways to win.

The new version of Council of 4 will be mechanically unchanged, but will receive a visual overhaul with new graphics and plastic miniatures.

Lorenzo il Magnifico and Council of 4 are both planned for release in the second quarter of 2017.