Don’t expect to see that long-awaited 7 Wonders iOS app anytime soon

27 February 2017
29174_IMG_0695-17847.jpg 7 Wonders on iPad
iOS version first announced at the start of 2014

Three years after it first announced that it was working on a mobile version of Antoine Bauza’s acclaimed card game 7 Wonders, developer Repos Production has… said that you’ll need to wait at least another few months to hear more.

An iOS release for 7 Wonders was first unveiled in February 2014, with an original launch date given of April or May of that year.

It was later delayed, receiving a beta release in 2015 and popping up every now and then, but remaining largely under the surface for the last few years. The lack of communication and absence of news led to the port becoming somewhat of a running joke among fans, along with accusations of the app becoming vapourware.

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Now, Repos has broken its (latest) silence to tease an announcement on the presumably still living project in the latter half of this year, saying simply on Facebook that it will “communicate more information” before 2017 is out.

It’s hardly definite, but it at the very least confirms that the app is still in development. When we’ll see it, however, is a completely different question.