Doodlemeeple Launches, The New Creative Collaboration Platform for Board Games

09 December 2020
The place to find someone to doodle a meeple

We've all seen that tweet - you know the one, where someone has had a truly brilliant idea for a board game but is in need of a designer. Or a rule book editor. Or a sculptor, or anyone who might have the other side to what they need to turn a board game from an idea into a best-selling reality. 

Well, best selling is always the hope, but fun is the goal. 

Recently launched, and to the rescue, is Doodlemeeple, which essentially pairs creators with creatives. If you're the creative, you'll create a profile that shows off what you do, which the creator can then see. Once a job is available, the creator will pick a few creatives to send the brief to, minimising the likelihood of time wasted on fruitless applications. Creators know where to find creatives, creatives save time - it's win-win!

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Registration is free, and payments are made through Stripe accounts, with a 10% service fee on each transaction, highlighted when making quotes and deposits. Any additional fees are detailed in the terms of service, so be sure to check it suits your needs. 

Created by Jame Noble Frier and Tim Simms, the former noted ""As a publisher, designer and artist, I have seen how tricky it is to find proven industry people to work with when you're making a game. That's when I realised how archaic the process was to connect creatives to the game publishers who needed them. In a world where self-publishing in games has become an ever-growing market, it's inconceivable how difficult and time consuming it can be to trawl so many different sites just hoping to be in the right place at the right time."

You can check out Doodlemeeple by clicking here.