Enhance your Keyforge games with a mass mutation

06 February 2020
250 new Keyforge cards coming in 2020

Fantasy Flight have announced the next set of Keyforge decks will be called Mass MutationThis is the fourth set and will introduce 250 totally new cards as well as seeing the return of various cards from previous sets.


Mass mutation cards Keyforge


This is the first set designed entirely by the internal Keyforge team at Fantasy Flight. The decks are designed around a huge amount of variation according to Brad Andres of Fantasy Flight.


Mass Mutation introduces the Enhance keyword. These represent a new, more granular approach to uniqueness in the decks, with enhanced attributes already being added to you deck when it was generated. This takes the form of four new icons which can appear on your cards, namely, damage, aember, capture (aember) and draw.


These are enhancements added to your deck already, so you know your new decks from this set are going to be entirely unique with even more unique creatures within it. Mutant decks and anti-mutant decks are likely to become part of the meta once this set launches.

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Speculation online suggests the Seven Sins will be joining this set in the same way as the previous Four Horsemen did in previous sets. With seven houses present in this set, including the return of House Sanctum, we can safely assume there will be one sin per house. Of course, we won’t know until we get our hand on our first decks.


Mass Mutation lands Q2 of 2020.