ENNIES Nominees Announced!

01 July 2020
And there's a lot of them!

The ENNIE Award, or ENNIES, are peoples choice awards for tabletop roleplaying games, spanning a range of topics. Generally, the nominations are announced, leading to a series of voting by the general public, with winners announced in a ceremony at Gen Con. This year, ENnies voting runs from July 3 - July 12, and the winners will be announced at the Online ENnies 2020 Ceremony on July 31. 

Nominations have been announced, with topics spanning Best Adventure, Best Art for Cover, and Interior, Best Free Game, Best Layout, and many more. You can check out the full list on the ENNIES website.

These do include the following: 

Judges’ Spotlight Winners

Benjamin Adelman – Sleepaway
  Author: Jay Dragon

Rachel Campbell – Glitter HeartsLeatherman Games
  Author: Greg Leatherman

Christopher Gath – Refractions in Glasston, Chaosium Inc.
  Authors: Taylor University PWR Press, Sam Guinsatao, Carson Jacobs, T.R. Knight, Joy Lemont, Elijah Oates, Rayce Patterson, Emily Pawlowski, J. Tucker White

Shauna Ratliff – Knarls Candy Compendium
  Authors: Makenzie De Armas, Levi Phipps

James Surano – Hit the Streets, Defend the Block, Lost Highway Games
  Author: Rich Rogers

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Best Electronic Book

BEOWULF: Hermit’s Sanctuary, Handiwork Games
  Authors: Jon Hodgson, Jacob Rodgers

Killer Kobolds from Outer Space, Oliver Clegg
  Author: Oliver Clegg

New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley 2nd Ed., Stygian Fox
  Authors: Tom Lynch, Keith “Doc” Herber, Kevin Ross, Christopher Smith Adair, Oscar Rios, Seth Skorkowsky

Uncaged Vol III, Scribemind
  Authors: Alison Huang, Andrew Engelbrite, Annamyriah de Jong, Anthony Beal, Ataberk Bozkurt, Charles Van Slambrouck, Chloe Mashiter, Collette Quach, D. Chaudron, D.W. Dagon, Dai-Wei Pobjie, David Markiwsky, Fenway Jones, Gwen Bassett, Jacky Leung, Jameson Hampton, Jennifer Peig, John Tetzlaff, Karren Loomer, Kathryn Kovalcik, Katie Cunningham, Kayla Cline, Lauren Neuburger, Liz Gist, Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett, Ma’at Crook, Megan Irving, Morgan Geiss, Paige Leitman, Paul Keiter, Ryan Servis, Sam Mannell, Samantha Darcy, Sammy Ward, Sandy Jacobs-Tolle, Satine Phoenix, Scriv The Bard (Alette Smith), Shannon Lewis, Wouter Florusse, Yubi

Wolves of Steadwick, Explorer’s Guild Publishing
  Author: Richard Davis

Best Game

A Cool and Lonely Courage, Plane Sailing Games Limited
  Author: Alex White

ALIEN the Roleplaying Game, Free League Publishing
  Authors: Tomas Härenstam, Andrew E.C. Gaska

MÖRK BORG Artpunk RPG, Free League Publishing
  Authors: Pelle Nilsson, Johan Nohr

Royal Blood, Rowan, Rook and Decard
  Author: Grant Howitt

Zombie World, Magpie Games
  Authors: Brendan G. Conway, Mark Diaz Truman


In fact, of the nominations, MORK BOG Artpunk RPG received four nominations for separate categories, as did Zombie World. BFF! Best Friends Forever received five nominations, Thousand Year Old Vampire received three, and so did Jim Henson's Labyrinth, The Adventure Game. We'll look forward to seeing the winners on July 31st


It's worth noting that Uncaged Vol III replaced a publisher for the category of Best Electronic Book who chose to withdraw their nomination. This was LancerRPG/Massif Press who reached out to the ENNIEs team regarding a previous winner, due to it containing sexual assault and additional questionable content, and withdrew when the ENNIES declined to do so. More detail can be seen in its discussions here


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