First Look at Carcassonne 20th Anniversary Edition

06 April 2021
A classic gateway game hits the big 2-0

Carcassonne is a game that almost needs no introduction. A popular tile placement game, players will draw and place tiles in line with those already played, seeking to connect cities to roads, cities, and more. Winning the Spiel Des Jahres in 2001, it's a game that sits on many a board gamers shelf, often with the expansions to match it. In fact, at its anniversary, we took a look at both where the game came from, and its expansions (plus, made it our cover!) on issue 47, and you can pick that up here. 

It's equally no surprise then, that Z-Man Games has announced a 20th Anniversary Edition of Carcasonne, now showing off images.

The Anniversary edition contains the base game and is compatible with all expansions. The description of it from Z-Man games offers a little more, explaining "The base game is upgraded with a high gloss, UV spot print on all the tiles and the box to truly make the details shine and to celebrate this momentous anniversary. The box itself even comes with gold foil lettering and trim to really stand out, as well as two unique designs, giving fans the choice to display their copy on either side."

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The tiles will also feature upgraded illustrations, as well as fun easter eggs to be found within the newly decorated pieces. In addition, there are a few gameplay updates, and 20 brand new tiles, which include new river tiles – including a double tile, so to create longer rivers – and others that offer new gameplay actions, whilst remaining compatible with the wider expansions. 

Plus, it will include stickers for your meeples, to give a personalised look to the game. 

The game can be preordered directly from Z-Man Games, with a current pre-order price of $49.99, with the release being confirmed only for 2021. Check in with your friendly local game store for more localised ordering options.