Free League & Two Little Mice Present A New RPG: Outgunned

10 December 2024
Ever wondered what it would be like to be thrown into the centre of an action hit, complete with explosions, high-speed chases, and shocking twists? Outgunned, Free League and Two Little Mice's new roleplaying title might just be the blockbuster experience you’re looking for.

Free League Publishing has firmly established itself as a go-to destination for RPG fans. Major franchises like Blade Runner, The Walking Dead, The Lord of the Rings and Alien have found a home here, and titles like Symbaroum, Pirate Borg and Dragonbane have helped to boost the company’s original profile. But, it was recently revealed that Free League Publishing would add to its value with a new partnership.

The publishing house has teamed up with Two Little Mice, a small Italian studio with big ambition. The group was founded by the talented Riccardo Sirignano, Simone Formicola, and Daniela Giubellini and have already produced RPG gems like Household and Broken Compass. However, for this latest venture, Two Little Mice is hoping that the resources of Free League Publishing will be enough to push Outgunned into a whole new stratosphere. But what actually is this exciting title?

What is Outgunned RPG?

Outgunned was designed to emulate the tropes and trademarks of action blockbusters. It takes its inspiration from such brands as John Wick, Die Hard, James Bond, Hot Fuzz, Ocean’s Eleven and even Kingsman. Players are pitched as action heroes, constantly fighting back against the odds, and always surrounded by the enemy.

Intriguingly, the RPG works on the Director's Cut system, a series of mechanics that utilise D6 to determine what might happen next in these dangerous adventures. Players are looking to roll matching symbols, two, three, or possibly four of a kind, in a departure from the classic structures.

Needless to say, the cinematic concept is totally unique, and pulled in plenty of interest from tabletop enthusiasts. In May 2023, Two Little Mice took to Kickstarter to boost the project, with the company garnering 2699 backers, who pledged €286,323 between them. This impressive performance clearly caught the attention of Free League Publishing, who are now shining a spotlight on the title in its formidable library.

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Where to find Outgunned RPG


You can now head straight to Free League Publishing’s website to purchase any number of rulebooks and supplementary materials, as the title really has hit the ground running.

Not only can potential players purchase the Core Rulebook for around £40, but there are also numerous spinoffs and expansions available. Outgunned: Action Flicks, Outgunned: World of Killers, and Outgunned: Project Medusa are great examples, with each additional campaign taking further influence from major big screen classics.

What’s more, Outgunned: Adventure is on its way, with the title fundraising €482,202 in its own right, after fans were drawn in by the Indiana Jones-style presentation. Needless to say, Free League Publishing will also be hosting the latest expansion, which is available to pre-order, alongside any other additions to the indie RPG ranks.

Keep an eye on Two Little Mice for more details concerning Outgunned’s latest outings, and on Tabletop Gaming Magazine for all the latest concerning Free League Publishing’s unique partnerships.