20 July 2017
Up your pay-what-you-want price to unlock sourcebooks for the Second to Eleventh Doctors and campaigns
If the recent flurry of Doctor Who news has you wanting to take to the TARDIS yourself, you can currently pick up Cubicle 7’s time-travelling roleplaying game for just a few pennies.
The Doctor Who RPG is the focus of Humble Bundle’s latest book collection, with an apparent $298 (£229) worth of digital rulebooks, sourcebooks and scenarios up for grabs for whatever price you like.
$1 (77p) will get you The Doctor Who Roleplaying Game core rulebook, plus the sourcebook for The First Doctor and three adventures: Cat’s Eye, Medicine Man and The Ravens of Despair. It also includes a promo code for mobile app Doctor Who: Legacy to unlock the Husbands of River Song expansion.
Up your price to $8 (£6.14) and you’ll get the sourcebooks for all the Doctors from Patrick Troughton (Second) to Paul McGann (Eighth).
At the top tier, $15 (£11.51) adds sourcebooks for the new Doctor Who series beginning with Christopher Ecclestone’s Ninth Doctor and leading up to Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor – although there’s no sign of the TARDIS’ current inhabitant Peter Capaldi.
The highest level also unlocks the Time Traveller’s Companion supplement and Defending the Earth sourcebook, which give extra detail on Time Lords and Earth defense organisation UNIT.
Money from the sale will go towards BBC’s Children in Need charity, although as with all of the Humble Bundles, you can choose to split it between Humble Bundle, Cubicle 7 and the charity as you see fit.
The sale will run for the next two weeks.