Issue 459 of Miniature Wargames is out!

11 June 2021
We have another great selection of rules, scratch builds, thought provoking articles and scenarios for you to chose from.

Issue 459 of Miniature Wargames is out and we have another great selection of rules, scratch builds, thought provoking articles and scenarios for you to chose from.
On the cover and inside is the Battle of Plataea: yes it’s a Boeotian Rhapsody with a Greece versus Persia battle circa 479 B.C. 

With Command Decision: we look at the Great Northern War: Europe is aflame and the scenario to play centres around Germany in the summer of 1717.

In Send 3 and 4 pence we have A People’s War: the first of a two-parter. it starts with a solo, programmed paragraph section for Rebels & Patriots. Next month will be the table top conclusion! 

Everybody’s favourite merry man is thoroughly explored in The Hood Was Good! we have three Robin Hood Scenarios for the new Feudal Patrol ruleset.

Get organised with There’s no ‘W’ in Team... This explores Teambuilding in wargaming. And – In Roll The Bones – we look at  the interpretation, extrapolation or no dice. Just what are the chances...

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If you want to build and fly WWI biplanes, how about Wings of Belgium? This piece has a building guide plus Simple wargaming rules for WWI.

In Practical Wargames Scenery Tony Harwood builds an Epic scale barn but – if you want to go bigger and more ‘Alien’ – how about a scratch build of Sci-Fi gaming corridors?  In They’re Coming Outta the Goddamn Walls! we show you how to do this for cheap! 

Finally, we have the review sections with of Defence in Depth with new products, Quartermaster for Hobby products for the wargamer, Forward Observer for news – especially of forthcoming show dates – and Recce for nine of the very best of insightful book reviews and the Club Spotlight features the Devon Wargames Group

The Last Word is by Chris Birch of Modiphius Entertainment.

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