15 October 2019
Dig deep with tactile palaeontologist game, Fossilis, and see what you unearth.
Dinosaurs, like artists, very much suffer from a case of “more famous when you’re dead”. A fact borne out by the full backing of fossil-hunting game, Fossilis on Kickstarter.
At the time of writing the game has more than doubled its initial £10,682 goal.
The game is aimed at 2-4 players of ages eight and above, and intends to last around 45 minutes. The box promises to contain the 3D dig site, terrain tiles, 24 dinosaur cards and 43 lovingly made bones amongst the usual markers and mats.
The game is based around a 3D dig site which holds tiles to slowly work through towards the prize – some old bones! Collect resources, buy tools and then use them to excavate the board. Not every recess in the board has a dino-bone in it, some contain hammers which represent learning a new skill which will stay with you through the game.
There is an amusing “shake and bake” angle to the board set up. The lid of the dig site is specially designed to allow you to randomise where bones are buried with a vigorous jiggle.
There’s still time to back Fossilis on Kickstarter here.