Humble’s latest tabletop deals include an instant Vampire: The Masquerade RPG collection and digital board games sale

16 October 2018
vampire-revised-10342.jpg Vampire: The Masquerade
Bundle of joy

Ever a friend to those looking for an instant collection of games for less than the price of a sandwich, Humble is currently offering up a big bundle of books for gothic roleplaying game Vampire: The Masquerade and a sale on some of the bigger digital board games available on PC.

The latest Humble Bundle includes the revised edition of Vampire: The Masquerade along with a whole host of supplements and guides, apparently worth $252 (£191) all in all.

The tiers start at $1 (76p) for the core rulebook and five supplements: Guide to the Camarilla, Alien Hunger, The Hunters Hunted, Time of Thin Blood and Counsel of Primogen.

Up your pledge to $8 (£6) and you’ll get another half-dozen books for the RPG to dig into, plus some digital cards for collectible card game Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, designed by Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield, no less.

$15 (£11) gets you everything on offer, adding another bunch of books and the first column of spin-off book series the Clan Novel Saga, plus video mini-series Judas Goat.

All three of the Vampire tiers include three months of subscription to publisher White Wolf’s World of Darkness online library of classic books, if you somehow manage to get through everything in the bundle.

Meanwhile, Humble has a wider sale going on across its selection of digital board games for PC, knocking up to 90% off a variety of tabletop adaptations and digital-only games that include elements of board games.

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Back on sale is Tabletop Simulator, which is split down to half price at £7.49, while Blood Bowl 2 is under a fiver, saving you some pennies to spend on the various extra teams also reduced as part of the deals.

Other picks we spotted include the complete bundle of Ticket to Ride and its maps for £17 – that’s 40% off – and Splendor, Small World 2, Mysterium and Colt Express all available for just over £2. Even Uno’s in on the action.

Even Scythe’s digital edition has a modest saving of 20%, putting it down to £12.39, though it’s not too bad a deal given it only came out earlier this year. Another recent release, Steve Jackson’s Ogre, is half price at just under a tenner.

There’s also a number of Games Workshop titles joining Blood Bowl and its sequel, such as Talisman, Chainsaw Warrior: Lords of the Night, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and Fighting Fantasy Legends.

The Vampire bundle runs until tomorrow evening (October 17th), so move quick if you want to grab it.