Issue 411 of Miniature Wargames is on its way!

13 June 2017
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Little Inkerman, Partizan, Pirates, Tarzan, Gondolin; a VSF steam launch the battle of Nagy-Sallo & make your own corrugated scenery in the next issue
Issue 411 of Miniature Wargames is on its way! Images

Issue 411 of Miniature Wargames is about to be released. What are the juicy parts?

Firstly, there’s Yo Ho Ho! Jon Sutherland gives us a full rule system for piratical shenanigans on the high seas (with downloadable play aids). This is a complete naval and coastal play set, heavily play tested to make a slick, easy play system for 28mm but adaptable to other scales: Consider your timbers shivered!

Tarzan! With an exclusive for the magazine, this is a new army for Death In The Dark Continent. Kevin Dallimore shows us that DitDC isn’t just about historical gaming and – although there are 80 historical army lists in the rule set – this is the 81st. And maybe not so historical...

Designing a scenario. Chris Pringle – author of the “Bloody Big BATTLES!” rules – walks us through the construction of his recreation of Nagy-Salló 1849 with on line content for the BBB system.

There’s a Partizan Photo report – the big historical show in Newark and Roger Dixon walks us through the (mostly, but not exclusively) historical eye-candy.

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Our regular columnists help us with a Little Inkerman scenario for The Men who would be King and Diane Sutherland builds some fences and shacks from crinkly cardboard and plastic!

We have our review and reporting sections: in Forward Observer and Fantasy Facts we look at some of the latest releases from Perry’s plastics and their Travel Battle, a new DeepCut mat, Mad Dogs with Guns, 3D printed models from Butler and explosion markers, plus Ground Zero games in 15mm; Crooked Dice in 28mm; Brigade in 15mm and 10mm for scenery and some space ships. And on top of that there’s a look at new games from Great Escape and our Recce section reviews 12 books covering a wide selection of topics and periods and – finally – our club directory .