Issue 426 of Miniature Wargames is almost with us. What glittering gems await?

13 September 2018
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Along with lots of other material, there’s an interesting split between big figures and small with a couple of articles detailing 6mm games (based on feedback from last month’s issue) and another pair with skirmish sized figures in traditional ‘toy soldier’ sizes!

Along with lots of other material, there’s an interesting split between big figures and small with a couple of articles detailing 6mm games (based on feedback from last month’s issue) and another pair with skirmish sized figures in traditional ‘toy soldier’ sizes!

Starting big, in Send Three and Fourpence,  following the interview from last month that Conrad Kinch conducted with game designer Arofan Gregory, Mr Kinch  gives us his analysis of With the Colours computer moderated rules with and a campaign system and lots of toy soldiers to boot! 

With another follow through, last month’s By Crom! system gets an adaption to Stop Motion: yes it’s Mediterranean Mythology Gaming in 50mm but inspired by the wonderful work of Ray Harryhausen!

Going small we have The Virtuous Soldier: an article with a short, adaptable scenario exploring the advantages of 6mm gaming. Then – staying in ‘squint’ scale – we have The  Troops that you Lead with a few ideas on pushing ‘beyond army lists’ with some 1/300th games in Ancients, Black Powder and WWII periods.

But – just in case there aren’t your chosen scales – how about a trio of pieces which could use even more scale options?   Jon Sutherland’s Command Decision is set in Tarakan. It’s 1942 in the Celebes Sea and there’s some gorgeous WWII action shots. Still in the second world war, we also have Gallalabat. Break out the Italians and Brits it’s 6th November 1940 and desert warfare! And – if those two scenarios weren’t enough – as a helpful thought piece on writing your own scenarios or scenarios we have Fiction from Friction: some thought provoking command and control ideas for the table top with a few suggestions on embracing drama!

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And finally for the features, The Wargames Widow builds herself a big ‘ole church in 54mm!

We have a big taster feature for TABLETOP GAMING LIVE with a preview of what’s on offer at the show at Alexandra Palace in September!
For reviews we have Fantasy Facts: The usual peek at the latest in F&SF gaming with releases from North Star, Osprey, Warlord Deep Cut Studio, Brigade! There’s Forward Observer with (mostly) historical wargaming product reports and Caliver, North Star, Warlord and more much more. Finally we have Recce for 15 book reviews. And the free Club Directory!

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