Issue 427 of Miniature Wargames is almost with us. What do we have for the readers?

01 October 2018
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We have Blood In The Snow: a 54mm French Indian Wars skirmish rule set based on the By Crom! engine that has featured previously in the magazine. It comes with period downloads, plus a scenario!

We also have Fight For The Standard:  They shall have me with it... if they carry it away! Arthur Harman gives us a card-based miniature system for a small number of figures for an action at Edge Hill during the ECW.

Bellum Britannia:  it’s the Scottish Borders, 368 AD and that means it’s another Command Decision conundrum by Jon Sutherland.

Terminator Genesys: This outlines some ideas for adding rules improvements borrowed from other sets (including What A Tanker!) to the River Horse SF game.

In Send Three And Fourpence Conrad Kinch takes us through the snowy wastes with a scenario for Napoleon and his retreat from Moscow.

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In To the Manor Born, the Wargames Widow scratch builds a Manor House: and so can you!

The editor takes his camera to some more wargames shows. Two are featured: Skirmish and Colours and he wants the readerships opinion on one particular aspect of those shows.

Warzone: This piece investigates the life cycle of a rule system with birth, death and rebirth!

Future Wars: how about some ideas for building some 6mm SF scenery?
For reviews we have Fantasy Facts: The usual peek at the latest in F&SF gaming with releases from Sally 4th, Brigade, Modiphius, GZG and more! There’s Forward Observer with (mostly) historical wargaming product reports from Deep Cut Studio; Stoessi’s Heroes; North Star; Ainsty and Great Escape Games. Finally we have Recce for 17 book reviews. And the free Club Directory! 

Get it delivered free here Issue goes on sale 12th October 2018


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