24 July 2020
You'll find all sorts of great content in issue 45, so pick up your copy today!
It's a big one this month, as we kick things off with our cover story: Dungeons & Dragons: Mythic Odysseys of Theros. This is what happens when you add Dungeons & Dragons to Magic: The Gathering and add an Ancient Greek setting - meaning all of the fun of the petty gods, epic monsters, and a journey to the underworld.
If that wasn't enough we've been chatting about the ever exciting Massive Darkness sequel with CMON. New classes, monsters, a new campaign mode... a feeling of everything we wanted in the first game, bundled into this new dungeon crawling sequel. Check out some of the hints and sneak peaks from the creators!
Now, if you've seen our magazines in the past you'll know we've been playing through the winners of the Spiel Des Jahres, and now we're up to date. That means it's time for a recap and an overview of the verdicts given to these worthy-or-not award-winning games.
We've also got you covered for the summer holiday period with some of the best print and play and free games available to you! If you've got a printer, some scissors, and maybe some dice/glue, we've got you covered for some very budget friendly games to fill your sunny days with.
And of course, we've been reviewing games. Not only are we crying 'Great Scott!' with Back To The Future: Dice Through Time, but we're also looking at Spiel Des Jahres nominee My City, plus games covering pirates, unicorns, pandemics, and tea... and more.
From cover to cover the magazine is bursting with all your tabletop gaming needs, so don’t hesitate to check out our subscription options to make sure you don’t miss out!
We also had a chat about some of our favourite parts of the magazine in the latest of our Tabletop Gaming Magazine's Podcast. You can take a listen on the platforms below!