Kid-friendly RPG No Thank You, Evil getting two new expansions

28 October 2016
NTYE-StoryPlease-Mockup-02-58503.jpg Story, Please is the first of two expansions coming to No Thank You, Evil
ENnie award-winning family game launched earlier this year

Monte Cook has turned to crowdfunding to create two new expansions for its family-orientated RPG No Thank You, Evil.

The kid-friendly tabletop adventure launched back in March, and picked up an ENnie award for Best Family Game for its accessible roleplaying mechanics.

No Thank You, Evil encourages a parent or older sibling to take on the role of The Guide (essentially a GM) and drive along an adventure based around a problem. More complex RPG elements are distilled into an easily-digested form; for example, all of the dice are d6, rather than varying denominations.

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The first of Monte Cook’s planned add-ons is Story, Please, a deck of 100 cards designed to provide inspiration for campaigns. The cards include story, place and person cards to form the backbone of a narrative, which is then filled out with a twist cards and some other ‘stuff’. (Literally the name of the card.) There’s also a map and handout cards, and the deck can be combined with the creature and cypher cards from the base game.

Following that will be Uh-Oh, Monsters, which – as the charming name suggests – adds a creature book full of monsters (and which follows the cute naming style with ‘Claws and Paws: The Monsters You’ll Meet), an adventure book with three original campaigns (‘Lairs and Scares’), 30 new creature cards and 15 monster standup figures.

The Kickstarter is looking for $30,000 and has already reached $26,000 with two weeks left to run, suggesting that it will make its target. $20 gets you Story, Please in print and PDF form, while $50 nets both expansions in both physical and digital editions.

Story, Please is due for release this December, followed by Uh-Oh, Monsters in Spring 2017. Some extra accessories, such as dice, wipeable character sheets and T-shirts, are planned to launch in-between the two expansions.