Lanterns: The Harvest Festival expansion The Emperor’s Gifts arrives early on mobile

14 December 2016
screen696x696-54399.jpeg Emperor's gifts can be used to activate cards with special abilities
And it’s completely free!

The digital version of charming tile-placement title Lanterns: The Harvest Festival has been updated for free to include the upcoming expansion The Emperor’s Gifts.

The Emperor’s Gifts isn’t out in physical form until next month, but both the Android and iOS versions of Lanterns have had the extra gameplay added for the low cost of nothing – you’ll still have to pay around a fiver for the mobile original, though.

The add-on introduces the use of pavilions, which can be placed on tiles laid during the game. When the pavilions are colour-matched, it earns a titular emperor’s gift token, which can be used to activate one of two emperor cards revealed during setup.

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Each card costs two gifts to use and offers a unique special ability, such as converting favour into victory points or making an extra dedication at the end of a turn.

The original mobile port of Lanterns was already a joy, so there’s now really no excuse not to go out and grab it for some lantern lighting over the festive season.