MODCon Announced, the Online Convention of Modiphius and Dragonmeet

20 November 2020
Ever wanted to GM?

With lockdowns in place, it's perhaps unsurprising that the UK Dragonmeet Convention confirmed on Wednesday that it would not be running its usual physical gathering. There had been hope, when lockdown first began, that being much later in the year that it might still be able to go ahead, which unfortunately hasn't been the case. In its confirmation from John Dodd on its facebook page, it confirmed that "we’re still here and the Dragon won’t be hibernating this year", alongside an update of news to come regarding online panels. 

Following this, Modidphius, a British publisher of roleplaying games, boardgames, miniatures, novels, cool accessories and more, confirmed MODCon, an online convention that will run alongside Dragonmeet, potentially giving us the best of both worlds. 

The event will run online from 3rd to 6th December 2020, with MODCon panels will run at 7pm GMT on each of the days between 4th - 6th December on the Modiphius Twitch channels. These will include panels covering everything from streamed games of the 2d20 Dune and Fallout RPGs, live plays, and game discussions. In addition, Dragonmeet panels will run throughout the day on the 5th December 2020.

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In order to play the games themselves should you want to join in, the convention has partnered with StartPlaying.Games, who facilitate games between players and GMs. You'll be able to find a selection of games to play or GM over on its site across the weekend. At the moment this shows the options for Star Trek, and Alien RPG but we anticipate more to come, and you can reserve your spot over on their site

Finally, it's also confirmed to be teaming with Guy Scladnders, of 'How to Be A Great GM' on Youtube, creating a weekend-long festival line up to celebrate being a game master. This seems to match the theme of the weekend, where it hopes by the end of the weekend "you’ll be ready to run your games like a pro"!

You can sign up for updates through Modiphius, ready for next weekend