09 February 2017
Game based on legendary poet and playwright will add 112-plus cards compatible with previous sets in series
Steve Jackson’s ubiquitous dungeon-delving card game Munchkin has turned its gaze to renowned writer William Shakespeare, with a new spin-off theme entirely around the bard.
According to its creators, Munchkin Shakespeare has seemingly been a much-requested addition to the series for years.
Publisher Steve Jackson Games has taken the title to Kickstarter to finally make it a reality – and at the time of writing has almost tripled its $30,000 goal with just under a month left to run.
The title will come with at least 112 cards – more will be added as the Kickstarter gathers more dough – all of which will feature puns and references based on Shakespeare’s work.
The designs of the cards will be in keeping with the existing Munchkin series, meaning they can be mixed up and played with all of the previous games.
A copy of Munchkin Shakespeare will set you back $20 (£16), with the Kickstarter-exclusive expansion (adding 20 new cards and ten dungeons) costing an extra $15 (£12) on top – UK postage will be added after the campaign ends. The game is due for release this September.