Tabletop Gaming Podcast: Nick Smith from The Ludoquist

10 August 2020
FLGS in times of COVID-19

It can be a tricky time for gamers at the moment - on the one hand, we're creating more, finding more ways to play online than ever before - but on the other, we've seen con cancellations, game delays, and we've long been unable to pop into our Friendly Local Game Stores. 

Thankfully, some of this is turning around. We've been able to attend more conventions than before thanks to them being done virtually, game production seems to be pretty normal, and with some restrictions, we can now head back to our favourite gaming stores. 

One such store is The Ludoquist, a Board Game Cafe Bar in Central Croydon. We chatted to Nick Smith, owner of Ludoquist, a little about how it's been as a game store in the time of COVID, as well as more positive things - what's on next? Tournaments in Tents? What are some of our favourites that we'd recommend? House rules? How, and when can we meet again for gaming?

We talk about safety during this time, and all the things that The Ludoquist is doing that's making it possible for current customers to enjoy their experience, plus we talk about some of the more popular games that are picked up, and why we should be okay with whichever game they do. If that wasn't enough, there's tons more to hear about.

It's a fun chat to tune into, so as usual, we have a multitude of ways in which you can do so, including directly here


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And if you find yourself enjoying it and want MORE, well you're in luck, as we've been chatting to all sorts of creators recently. You can check out our conversation with Anna Blackwell about DELVE and free games, spoke with Tristen Hall about solo gaming, speaking with Dissident Whispers, Richard Jansen Parkes about Roleplaying Games, Folk Games with Ivan Brett, Card Games with Wossy, Family Games with Ellie Dix, Messy Games with Alex Sonechkina, War games with Age of Sigmar, and a chat about our newest magazine issue. It's been great fun to speak with these people, so we'd recommend you check them out!