New Scenario Pack for Arkham Horror TCG

02 October 2020
Terror and fear as October begins

As we move into October and begin preparing our best spookiness for the approaching Halloween, it's good to get a little bit of horror news, and in this case, it's from Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

Fantasy Flight has announced the newest scenario pack for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, with War of the Outer Gods. We're tumbling into the abyss with this one, as it emphasises how tiny our world is in the unknowable eldritch Mythos - so alongside our insignificance, there's still more to learn. As the war builds in epic scale, it's not difficult to feel a little small in the wider world, worlds, and universes. 

In this case, Arkham is between a conflict of three rival cults seeking to summon their own Ancient One, in a war where slaughter brings dark gods closer to the surface, and cross-continent battles. This is the first to put you in the middle of these factions, and each faction has its unique characteristics and features that you'll need to deal with, with their own agenda deck each. You'll need to stop each of them, because if even one succeeds, you'll find yourself in an epic battle against Silenus or Magh'an Ark'at, where the odds are very much stacked against you. Not only will you need to survive, but save the world and prevent their rise!

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This can be played as a standalone, or as part of a general campaign.

You can pre-order this from today, whereby the US cost is at $19.99 and can be ordered from Fantasy Flight directly. Alternatively, you can ask your Friendly Local Gamestore!