Osprey Publishing Launches Through the Hedgerow

01 October 2024
Osprey Publishing is home to an array of incredibly popular role-playing titles and war games like The Silver Bayonet and Frostgrave. Looking to capitalise on the rise of smaller fantasy RPGs, the brand has teamed up with developer Jonathan Rowe for a completely different concept – Through the Hedgerow.

A long-time in the making, Through The Hedgerow has been talked about in the community in-depth, due to its fantastic creative team and intriguing points of influence. Drawing inspiration from classic British fantasy like His Dark Materials and Worzel Gummidge, alongside myths and fables from across the isles, both narratively and visually there’s something rather familiar about this fantasy tale. Excitingly, the piece can now be accessed, after Osprey Publishing finally dropped the finished Through The Hedgerow on the 26th of September. 

Designer Jonathan Rowe, who is known for titles like Bride of the Vampyre Hack, Beneath the Ruined Wizard's Tower, and The Ghost Hack, is certainly no stranger to this medium and style of storytelling. He is backed up by illustrator Peter Johnston, whose background in graphic art and Games Workshop-led designs have made him a steady hand to rely upon. But what can players expect from this latest development? 


What is Through the Hedgerow?

The official website describes Through The Hedgerow as: “A fantasy roleplaying game of hope and heroism in which gifted mortals and Fay creatures fight across time in an eternal battle for the soul of the countryside.” 

Players will take on the role of Knights of the Briar Company, crafting characters that feel at home in this strange and mysterious landscape. Representing the forces of light in this endless fight through the timeline, which highlights significant moments across human history, players could trace their origins to two specific points. 

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You might, on one hand, represent a mortal who has been drawn into this conflict, for better or worse. Alternatively, you may be a Fay, a mythical creature that stands side-by-side with humankind. Regardless, pick up this starter title, which is now available for £17.50 on the official website, and you’ll soon be drawn into this complex array of character dynamics. 

Buy Through the Hedgerow

Those who are interested in the premise can pick up a Hardback, Ebook (PDF), or Ebook (Epub and mobile) version of Through The Hedgerow, which we now know consists of 272 pages of goodness. The title, which can now be previewed online, combines a deep variety of mechanics to bring these quests to life. 

Time travel will have a massive part to play in setting up an adventure, and Osprey Games describes the system put in place as one based on Checks & Challenges. With innovative character types to play, such as Buggebers, Motleys and Waifs, and stats to keep track of, focused on wit, imagination, charm, and mysticism, players are going to have to learn a lot of new terms to fully comprehend this RPG. 

So, after countless months of build-up Through The Hedgerow has arrived, and if it is to be a success, then fans should expect Osprey to publish many more follow-ups that expand the campaigns and world, as they have done with their other titles. For now, you can head to any official seller of Through The Hedgerow to enter this unique experience, which promises to travel across storytelling genres and momentous British events.

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