Pathfinder RPG publisher Paizo will be at UK Games Expo 2017

23 November 2016
pathfinder-44696.png Paizo will run Pathfinder RPG and Adventure Card Game events at the show
Firm signs on as associate sponsor of June show

UK Games Expo is ramping up its roleplaying game offering by teaming up with Paizo, publisher of popular RPG Pathfinder and its Adventure Card Game spin-off.

The firm has signed on as associate sponsor of the June 2nd to 4th convention in Birmingham, following the Pathfinder Society’s attendance of the event for the last five years.

Paizo will have an exhibition hall booth at the show, where it will offer demonstrations of its games, with some of the company’s employees also participating in the various industry panels held throughout the weekend.

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Pathfinder Society will meanwhile be running Year of the Stolen Storm Roleplaying Guild scenarios and Season of Plundered Tombs Adventure Card Guild scenarios, as well as other organised play.

Other companies confirmed to have a showing at the event include Mayfair, Hawk Wargames, Catan Studio, GeeknSon, Osprey Games, Battlefield Hobbies and Fantasy Flight Games.

Fantasy Flight recently announced that it would hold the first European Championships at UK Games Expo, offering UK gamers the chance to win a place in the World Championships of games including Android: Netrunner, X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada.

Tickets for next year’s UK Games Expo go on sale on December 1st.