Phenomenal Digital RPG Bundle live on Humble Bundle

03 November 2023
Roll20 presents a staggering 25-item bundle of core rulebooks, scenarios, digital maps and a month's subscription to the service for less than £25

For some of us, our computers have replaced the dining room table as our designated zone to enjoy roleplaying games online. Whilst it's always lovely to meet together in-person to play, the convenience of being able to log online from wherever you are to escape into a world of your creation has made web services like Roll20 the new place to be for adventuring.

As an early Christmas treat, Roll20 have partnered with Humble Bundle to create the 'Everything For Your Adventures' bundle, to let you buy and download everything you could possibly need for roleplaying through the internet.

What is Roll20?

Roll20 is one of multiple websites that allow players to meet online in a shared private room to play roleplaying games. Anyone can sign up to use the platform for free and host their own Roleplaying games. The site comes with ways to virtually role dice, add tokens and maps as well as being able to hide elements to reveal parts of an area as players discover it.

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What is in the Roll20 Bundle?

There are four different bundles available, from the cheapest at a little under £5 including a digital tarot deck, a Pathfinder scenario plus an array of maps and spell templates to add a little glamour to any campaign, to the 25-item bundle selling at £24.64, that not only includes the above but is stuffed full of Roll20 digital rulebooks for multiple systems (including Cyberpunk Red, Starfinder, Tales from the Loop and many more), more maps, more monsters and more of everything you could ever need to run hundreds of virtual RPG sessions.

How do I get the Roll20 Bundle?

The bundle is available from now until Friday 10 November at 7am GMT directly on the Humble Bundle website. If you've ever wanted to get into roleplaying but never found the time or place, why not call up your friends to meet up one evening and start your journey to a world of wonderful gaming!

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