27 November 2018
Prints of Hearts
From brilliant unofficial games based on cult horror movies to interactive tributes to the life and legacy of David Bowie, print-and-play games are some of the most inventive and entertaining tabletop experiences that zero to not a lot of money can buy.
But finding the real gems out there could often require hours spent searching through pages of forums or stumbling across random Reddit threads – and, even then, you might end up accidentally taking the few dollars PnP designers ask for away from them by finding a free PDF that someone else had reposted.
Now, help is at hand to make finding must-play print-and-play games and ensuring that everyone involved gets their due in the form of PNP Arcade, a new library of print-and-play games that launched over the weekend.
PNP Arcade brings together print-and-play games from a number of well-established indie publishers and designers and presents them in a clean, detailed way that makes finding out how each game plays and how to put it together at home using your printer easy.
The games range from being completely free to costing a few pounds at most, ranging from well-known PnP favourites to exclusive titles and even early versions of upcoming Kickstarter games. Best of all, the makers of the games get a guaranteed 70% of the money.
At the moment, PNP Arcade is offering city-builder Sprawlopolis for a single dollar (that's around 78p!) as its first Game of the Week, while single-player dice-rolling roll-and-write Legends of Dsyx: Dragonvault was free for Cyber Monday (at the time of writing, it can still be had for nothing).
There’s plenty more to be found over on PNP Arcade, which is already calling for more designers and publishers to expand its catalogue of cheap, easy-to-make games.
If you’re new to the print-and-play scene, we took a look at how you can get started in the September issue of Tabletop Gaming magazine, where we also included an exclusive new edition of mech-battling game Fightopia – you can find the digital version and give it a go here!