Pre-orders for Mantic's Armada Now Open

07 October 2020
And sneak peeks on their site too

If Kings of War weren't enough, Mantic is now treating us to a naval wargame, taking the battle to sea! Based within the fantasy setting of Kings of War, but with rulesets based on the Black Seas game (plus added fantasy), we see Armada.

Within the pre-orders, the first navies available are those of pious Basileans and the marauding Orcs. There are tons of extras available, but if you opt for the starter set, you'll have everything you need to start your own fleet, including shop cards, gaming mat, tokens, and the rule book (of course!). 

The new game has understandably been the focus of a number of its blogs, so we've been able to find out more about how to play. As a basic summary, the recommendation is to begin with three ships per side until you're comfortable with the rules (before heading up to 9 possible ships!), and your options are split into different size categories, of which the smaller it is, the cheaper it is, but then again - the less powerful. Plus, for each main battleship you choose, you can have two support battleships. Finally, there are also Named Vessels, of which you can have only one. 

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On top of that, you can take a glimpse already at BasileansOrcs, dwarfs, the Empire of Dust fleet.

Pre-orders are open now over on the Mantic site, for the Orcs and Basileans for release on November 21st. There's also plenty of extras to choose from - from expanding your navy to deluxe mats, to a Kraken and more.